(As revised 19 June, 2010)
Beijing International Center for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
I. “The Beijing International Center for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Beijing” (Acronym: BICTAM) hereinafter referred to as “the Center” is an international non-governmental scientific organization, which is affiliated to IUTAM and operates in close collaboration with the ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
II. The principal objectives of the Center are
- To advance all branches of theoretical and applied mechanics and related sciences, including analytical, computational and experimental investigations;
- To organize various international activities such as conferences, symposia, workshops and summer schools for subjects falling within the field of theoretical and applied mechanics and interdisciplinary branches that meet the needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific, and in turn further the participation and contribution of the region to the global mechanics community;
- To promote mutual beneficial interaction with industry so as to make the advances in mechanics and related fields available to engineers and entrepreneurs, and to bring the needs of industry to researchers;
- To provide scientific and technical advances to policy-makers by advisory reports identifying the most significant issues in economic and social development of Asia and the Pacific and suggestions to initiate or support scientific plans;
- To enhance capacity building and education of mechanics in the countries of the region. The Center will aim to improve mechanics education in the countries by encouraging the study of science and engineering, and by training young scientists;
- To facilitate collaboration and communication in mechanics research within the region and with other researchers and organizations world-wide by exchange programs, bi- and multilateral workshops, and mutual visits.
In pursuing its objectives the Center shall observe the principle of the universality of science and affirm the rights of scientists throughout the world to adhere to or to associate with international scientific activity without regard to race, religion, political philosophy, ethnic origin, citizenship, language or sex.
III. The highest authority of the Center is its Scientific Committee (SC). The duty of the Scientific Committee is to formulate strategic plan for the activities of the Center.
The Scientific Committee has the power to decide issues affecting the Center, including alterations of the Statutes. On specified questions it may delegate its power to appropriate bodies.
The composition of the Scientific Committee is regulated in Article VI.
IV. To execute decisions of the Scientific Committee and to carry out work between meetings, the Scientific Committee elects members of a Standing Committee for a period of four years. The Standing Committee consists of the officers (President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary-General) and four other persons who are members of the Scientific Committee. The maximum continuous period of service as a member of the Standing Committee, other than an officer, is limited to eight years. The Standing Committee will meet at least every two years. A member of the Standing Committee who is unable to attend a meeting may by letter to the Secretary-General designate another member of the Scientific Committee as proxy.
Meeting of the Scientific Committee will take place at times decided by the Standing Committee.
V. When voting every member of the Scientific Committee shall dispose of one vote. The quorum for a decision is 40 per cent of the members having voting right of the Scientific Committee. For an alteration of the Statutes the majority required is 2/3 of the votes brought forward at the meeting of the Scientific Committee. For all other decisions a simple majority of the votes brought forward is required.
Any member who is unable to attend a meeting may by a letter to the Secretary- General constitute another member of the Scientific Committee as proxy.
Between meetings of the Scientific Committee, the Standing Committee may take actions on behalf of the Scientific Committee
The secretariat of the Center will be in charge of the implementation of all the activities of the Center.
VI. The Scientific Committee is composed of
a) Representatives of Asian and the Pacific countries (Article VII)
b) The following categories of observers are invited to take part in the Scientific Committee without voting rights:
i) Representatives of the regional center, ICSU;
ii) Representatives of IUTAM;
iii) Representatives of other organizations and groups of scientists, if so decided by the Standing Committee.
VII. The representatives from Asian and the Pacific countries should keep in close contact with the adhering organization of IUTAM in the corresponding country or territory to facilitate and coordinate academic activities.
VIII. In principle, each country shall have at least one representative who has close relation with IUTAM and its local adhering organization in the Scientific Committee of the Center. The number will be determined in relation to the activities undertaken.
IX. The legal domicile of the Center shall be in Beijing.
A Local Organizing Committee is an administrative organization in charge of various activities in China in relation to the Center, including international meetings, summer schools/short courses, academic exchange and cooperation according to the strategic plan framed by the Scientific Committee.
The president of CSTAM is the chairman of the Local Organizing Committee in Beijing, which consists of chairman, vice-chairmen, members and the office. Its office deals with daily affairs and routines.
All the personnel in the Local Organizing Committee are nominated by CSTAM and its officers are approved by the SC of the Center.
X. The financial resources of the Center are formed by:
a) Core funding of the Center will be provided by CSTAM and other Chinese organizations.
b) For activities held in countries or territories that are represented in the Center, support is expected from the concerned organizations/funding agencies, and host institutions in the country or territory that hosts the activities. For some activities such workshops/advanced courses, support is also expected to come from the registration fee.
c) For international and interdisciplinary initiatives that are of common interests to the science and society in the region and fall within the ICSU strategic plans, support will be sought from ICSU as appropriate.
d) For activities approved by IUTAM, such as symposia/summer schools, support is expected from IUTAM, the host institutions, and the concerned organizations/funding agencies.
XI. Any proposal for alteration of the Statutes either prepared by the Standing Committee or supported by statements to the Secretary-General signed by at least one third of voting members of the Scientific Committee with voting rights, shall be sent to members of the Scientific Committee with the Agenda for a meeting of the Scientific Committee. Such proposals shall be discussed during the first session of that meeting and voted upon.