HRLM4: Call for Papers



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Abstracts submission

Register on-line

Key dates

  • Submission of abstract
31 May 2011
  • Notification on paper acceptance
15 July 2011
  • Final deadline for full papers
15 September 2011
  • Symposium
28-30 September 2011
  • Papers sent out for peer review to reviewers
10 October 2011


The present Symposium has its focus on flow physics modelling and corresponding aerodynamic applications, particularly in terms of advanced URANS, improved DES, and hybrid RANS-LES approaches in general.

The Symposium offers the opportunity to communicate and exchange knowledge for academic researchers, graduate students, industrial engineers, as well as industrial R&D managers and consultants working in the fields of turbulent-flow modelling, simulations and measurements, and multidisciplinary CFD applications, such as flow control, aero-acoustics, aero-elasticity and any CFD-based multidisciplinary optimisation.